David Hyerle
David is the developer of the Thinking Maps model and author of the primary training resources for implementing Thinking Maps. Presently, David is the President of Designs for Thinking and Founding Director of Thinking Foundation, a nonprofit organization supporting research, development and advocacy for thinking as being the foundation for schools around the world. Read this article that charts David’s background from his early childhood to his work in the field of education.
Larry Alper
Director / Global Trainer
Larry is Co-Director of Designs for Thinking, leading implementations of Thinking Maps in whole schools while also supporting schools and school systems in developing long term plans for implementing these tools. During the last four years of an 18 year career as an elementary school principal in Brattleboro, Vermont Larry facilitated the successful implementation of Thinking Maps and Software and Write From the Beginning. He also investigated how he and his colleagues could use Thinking Maps as collaborative tools for building leadership capacity. This process led him to co-author the guide and training, Thinking Maps: A Language for Leadership with David Hyerle and the recently published research on this work, Developing Connective Leadership: Successes with Thinking Maps (Solution Tree, 2011) with Kim Williams and David Hyerle.
Robert Price
Global Trainer
Robert has over twenty years experience working with urban schools, school districts, foundations, universities and non-profit organizations. He focuses particularly on improving interpersonal communication; establishing sound management practices; developing planning methods, and; implementing change throughout the organization. Robert believes there is no single recipe for creating a great school or organization. In his experience successful schools and organizations share many common traits. His collaboration applies these traits to achieving your vision.
Photo: Robert in Addis Ababa Ethiopia using the Growing Thinking Schools Guide.
Estee Lopez
Global Trainer
Dr. Estee Lopez is nationally and internationally recognized for her work in empowering educators of diverse learners engage in developing higher cognitive, language and academic performance by reframing our beliefs and practices about how linguistically diverse students learn. She is a global trainer for Thinking School International, Designs for Thinking, National Urban Alliance, Lopez Consulting Group and currently assistant professor at the College of New Rochelle. She has dedicated to help educators use their national standards to focus on cognitive development. She has served public education for over 37 years in the capacity of teacher, staff developer, consultant, principal, school district administrator for instructional programs. She is an author for the National Professional Resources and has written for the IDIOM of NYSTESOL. She is one of the Authors for the upcoming book on Thinking Schools. Her research on the use of cognitive models for language and literacy development is a breakthrough on how to accelerate language and intelligence.